Users always need to provide the correct password for the account user name.
Confirm Account Credentials: Check that the account credentials which you are using to Send/Receive option are accurate as the error may occur from the inaccurate ones.
It should be the first step from the user’s end.
Check for Network Connection: Outlook users must ensure that the internet connection is well set and the Outlook is not set to Work Offline mode.
Procedures to Fix Outlook Error “0X800ccc92” Invalid account username and password credentials No network connection Firewall and other application blocking the current connection Oversized PST mailbox incorrect browser settings synchronization issue between Outlook application and server failure of POP3 & SMTP protocols from the server corrupt Outlook data file abrupt shutdown virus intrusions.įixing this Outlook error is not a tough job but the solutions need to be performed carefully to get success in first time. We are providing some other possible reasons for this “Outlook Send/Receive error”. However this is not just the reason why this error has occurred. Within the error message, a suggestion is provided to users to check the user name and password in the account properties under Tools>E-mail accounts section. Some common symptoms are performance slowdown, freezing of Outlook application, or Outlook crash while using Send/Receive feature. This Outlook error is the frequent one and being faced by many Outlook users from day to day keeping them away from emails updating and in more severe cases, results in data loss too. This error is also known as “Outlook Send/Receive error”. The error stops the mail flow and throws an error message dialogue box indicating the error code. The Outlook “0X800ccc92” occurs when users hit on Send/Receive option from the Outlook interface to update the sent or received emails in the Outlook mailbox. When and why does Outlook Error “0x800ccc92” occur? On getting multiple queries to find a proper solution to fix Outlook error “0x800ccc92” during the Outlook errors research, we came to a point to write a blog with complete solutions on a single platform to help out all the Outlook users who faced or facing the same error.